Davenport University will continue to waive the standardized test (ACT/SAT) requirement for admission. Please continue to send in your student's official high school transcript for review. If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact an admissions representative at info@davenport.edu.
FAQs applicable to your student's journey
We know that sending off your child to college can be a big adjustment. That's why we created an FAQ page to answer all of your questions.
When should my student apply/begin the admissions process?
Students can apply during their junior or senior year of high school. Early applications will be considered based on final junior year transcripts and ACT/SAT scores. Students are encouraged to apply prior to December of their senior year for early advantages.
My student has applied, when will we find out if they are admitted?
First, be sure the admissions office has received the official high school transcript. The admissions office will review all applications immediately for admissions decisions. Accepted students receive an acceptance packet in the mail within 1 week after acceptance.
How does my student log in to their Davenport portal?
If you and your student have questions about logging into their Davenport portal or their username and password, please visit davenport.edu/new2du for step-by-step instructions.
Where should we send transcripts and ACT/SAT scores?
We accept transcripts and ACT/SAT (if applicable) scores via mail, fax and electronic formats. View sending options here.
How does my student confirm their intent to enroll at Davenport?
Students can confirm they plan to attend DU by submitting their decision online before May 1st.
(Late decisions may be considered).
When does my student register for classes?
New students at the W.A. Lettinga Campus register for classes at New@DU Orientation (summer after senior year). Students attending other campuses meet individually with an advisor to schedule classes.
Do I have access to my student’s university records?
If a student completes a FERPA waiver form, parents may be granted limited to full access to student educational records based on the student's wishes. Without the signed form, information cannot be released to anyone but the student.
Do you offer an honors program?
Yes. Students can choose from three different honors groups to get involved in.
Are there ADA accommodations available for my student that had an IEP in high school?
Our Student Access Office offers assistance to students. Any student with a documented disability is eligible to request services through Student Access.
Can students start undecided or do they have to select a degree program freshman year?
Many students are unsure of their degree program in their first year. It is not required that students declare a major at admission. Students should explore the resources available through the Career Services staff and DU faculty to learn more about potential careers. It is suggested that students declare a major by the start of their sophomore year.
How can I be sure my student will be successful in finding a career after graduation?
96% of Davenport graduates are employed or continuing their education. Students increase their chances of employment by taking advantage of Career Services assistance and internship opportunities. Some programs may also qualify under the DU Employment Guarantee.
What is the cost of Davenport University per year?
The cost of college includes tuition, fees, books, food and housing. Families should also consider personal expenses including transportation and personal spending. Use our Net Price Calculator for a personal estimate.
What kinds of financial aid are available to my student
Students qualify for a variety of funds including Federal grants, State grants and scholarships, Davenport institutional scholarships, Davenport Foundation scholarships, external scholarships, partnership discounts, student employment, student loans, and additional loan funds.
Can someone review the overall cost and financial aid with our family?
Please start by talking with your admissions representative. They can do a detailed estimate of your financial aid eligibility. All students also have a financial aid counselor available for one-on-one advising about further financial aid questions.
How do we learn about and get started with student loans and parent loans?
There are many resources on the financial aid pages of our website available for you. To borrow student loans, all students need to access www.studentaid.gov to complete their Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note.
How do we buy books?
The Tryus R. Wessell Campus Store is conveniently located on the first floor of the academic center. Students can purchase textbooks through the online bookstore at davenportbookstore.com. Books are available via several cost-effective options including used, rental or e-books. Students can view the list of required/recommended books by accessing the online bookstore link on the DU Student Connection page.
When is my payment for tuition due?
All students need to finalize their payment arrangements (financial aid, payment plan, cash, or third-party billing) before classes begin each semester. A detailed calendar of dates can be found on our Bursar’s site. All students living in on-campus housing must have payment arrangements made for all costs before being allowed to move in.
Do first-year students have to live on campus or can they choose to commute?
First-year residents can choose to commute or live on campus. Students living beyond 45 miles from campus are strongly encouraged to live in the residence halls. Research indicates students living on campus have higher GPAs, retention rates and graduation success! If a student chooses to commute, they still have full access to campus activities and organizations. We highly recommend they get involved to get the most out of their college experience!
Can my student have a car on campus?
Yes. All DU students (even first-year students) can have a car on campus and parking is FREE! Please register your car before the start of the semester.
What kinds of housing are available at Davenport?
All first-year students living on campus for the first time start in South Hall (typically in a quad suite). Upperclassmen can select one of the other great options on campus including our Panther Woods apartments.
How does the meal plan work?
You will have an unlimited meal plan for your first year on campus. Meal plan details can be found on our dining site. Commuters are also welcome to purchase a meal plan for the dining hall.
When will my student move into the residence hall?
New students move in the weekend before fall classes begin. This is also the kickoff of the best event of the year: Panther Prowl! Some fall student-athletes will have earlier move-in dates as provided by the coaches.
Campus safety
What kind of security presence do you have here?
We have Davenport University employed officers at the campus who are here 24 hrs/7 days a week/ 365 days. There is a director on site during the weekdays. All officers are trained and educated in security officer duties.
Is Davenport a safe campus? What safety measures do you take?
Yes, Davenport is a safe campus. Public Safety has random, roaming foot patrols of the buildings and property. We also provide escorts to/from buildings, to/from vehicles or other buildings on campus. Our residence halls are set up with a two-fold key card access system that requires not only a programmed key card but also a 4-digit pin to access their rooms and some exterior doors. The campus also utilizes closed-circuit TV around the grounds and around/inside buildings. Security Services Department also works closely with the Kent County Sheriff's Department when the need arises to involve the presence of outside law enforcement.
Are services available to help students locate jobs?
Career Services will show students where to find open positions available on campus. We can help critique their resume and give them examples so they can apply for positions. For job searching, we show them effective techniques such as what search engines to use on the internet. Additionally, we send job leads on a weekly bases for employers to any student who has used or services and fits the requirement the employer is seeking.
Should students work during their first year? Won't employment interfere with studies and adjustment to college?
This is a difficult question to answer because it really depends on the student. Working is a great way to get on-the-job experience and earn money for college at the same time. However, we realize that many students may need some time to adjust to college life while learning to balance athletic and class schedules, as well as social activities. We want our students to be successful and since Davenport University has so much to offer, not all students have the ability to make a student job a priority, especially during their first year.
Work-Study employment - If a student is interested, do we first refer them to the financial aid office to see if they qualify for it?
Yes. Davenport University participates in the Federal work-study program. Students who wish to participate must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and can find positions on Davenport's online employment system. On-campus positions, as well as local community service positions, are available. To learn more about the work-study program, contact your career services representative. Although limited, positions that do not require work-study eligibility are also available throughout the school year. Any questions concerning work study or checking eligibility can be sent through financialaid@davenport.edu or a Financial Aid Coordinator.
What can I do to get my student involved with Davenport, so that he or she can enhance their college experience?
Encourage your student to attend Davenport events on campus. At the beginning of the academic year, there are several opportunities for students to find out about different registered student organizations, events on campus and job opportunities on campus. For example, students can come to PantherPalooza in September of each year and find out what is happening on campus. Several community organizations, departments and restaurants come to this event to recruit students to become involved at Davenport and in the Grand Rapids community. You can find out more information about volunteering on campus, joining a student organization or start a student organization with friends.
What types of activities can my student participate in on the weekends?
Students have the opportunity to attend athletic events which take place all throughout the year. In addition, students can join registered student organizations to meet new people and get involved. The Student Life Office additionally offers programming throughout the year such as Homecoming, Family Weekend, Sibs and Kids Weekend, Spring Fling, Stressbusters, weekly programming and more. Moreover, Panther Recreation plans fun recreational activities such as bowling, skating and intramural sports. Stop by the Student Life office and we can help you get involved!
What opportunities are available at Davenport and in the surrounding community for students to become involved?
The Volunteer Center at Davenport University offers a wide variety of opportunities for students to become engaged in the community. From one-day service events to long-term volunteer commitments, the opportunities offered by the Volunteer Center allow students to donate as much time and effort as they can afford. Ongoing volunteer programs include the HEROES program, in which Davenport students mentor local middle school students one hour a week, and Alternative Spring Break, in which Davenport students travel to a community in need to tackle a specific social issue such as poverty. For a full list of programs and events, visit the Volunteer Center Website!
How much does it cost for a parent to attend an athletic event?
$5 for adults, $3 for non-DU students and 12 & Under are Free.
Where are the different fields for athletic events?
Most athletic events are located at the Student Center or on the Turf Field. For information about athletic events that do not take place at Davenport University, please visit the Davenport Athletic website.
Can a parent purchase a pass for the student center?
There are discounted memberships available for parents and family members of Davenport Students.
What behavior is expected of Davenport students?
Each student accepts the following responsibilities: Students are expected to respect and value the rights of others, support the academic environment, and encourage the proper use of University facilities. Students are also expected to observe federal, state, and local laws, as well as University rules, regulations, and policies, including the use of existing procedures to resolve disputes. Students are expected to make themselves aware of the regulations governing them as members of the University community. Students are expected to conduct themselves as mature individuals at all times consistent with the institution’s values, beliefs, and highest standards of ethics. This encompasses all conduct while on campus, off campus, and during all University-related endeavors including, but not limited to, internships, practicums, clinicals, or other University-related experiences.
Does Davenport have an alcohol and drug use policy?
The use or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited by Davenport University on all University property regardless of age. The following actions are prohibited according to law: Use or possession of any drug or controlled substance, or of drug paraphernalia, contrary to law or without a valid and legal prescription for such drugs or controlled substances. Production, manufacture, distribution or use of any drug, controlled substance or any substance used as a drug contrary to law. Sale, gift or transfer of drugs, controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia, whether or not such sale, gift, or transfer occurs on or off campus.
Who is the best person to call if my child has problems regarding financial aid, housing/roommates, their account, or classes?
If your student is experiencing problems with their account or classes, please have them contact their academic advisor to address the issue. If your son or daughter lives on campus and experiencing difficulties, please have them contact their Residence Hall Coordinator.
If classes are canceled, how are students notified?
Davenport University incorporates a service called DU Alerts. This is a mass notification system that utilizes cell phones, home phones, email, and text messages, to alert students to class cancellations or campus closings. This system started in Fall, 2009. You can log in to the student portal to sign up and choose up to 5 sources to receive the notice.
Who do I contact if I am concerned about my student?
If you are concerned about your student, please submit an Incident Report.
We live outside of the Grand Rapids area. What is it like around there?
Grand Rapids is an amazing place! In fact, Lonely Planet named GR and the Lake Michigan “Gold Coast” the #1 place to visit! Check out the Top 10 reasons to visit (and live in) Grand Rapids! Also check out ExperienceGR.com to learn more about the cultural highlights, nightlife, and community.
Where is the closest hospital, med center, etc?
The closest hospital to the Lettinga campus is University of Michigan Health-West Hospital
UM Health-West Hospital
5900 Byron Center Ave
Wyoming, MI 49519
The closest hospital to the downtown campus is Corewell Health-Butterworth Hospital located in the city of Grand Rapids.
Corewell Health-Butterworth Hospital
100 Michigan St NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
If your student is having health issues, they can also visit a Spectrum Health Urgent Care Center. The closest Urgent Care location is Broadmoor Urgent Care.
Broadmoor Urgent Care
3350 Broadmoor Ave. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
How does my student register and pay for parking?
Parking is FREE! All students need to register for a free parking pass online. Students must park in the lot associated with their parking permit.
What type of transportation is available?
Davenport University provides a shuttle service for its students that runs Monday-Friday. To find out more information about the shuttle services and hours of operation, click here.
Do you have any advice for me on how I can help my student succeed at DU?
As a parent or family member, you can be a positive contributor to his or her personal and academic development and success. Here are a few tips from our more than 150 years of experience, to help you find the right level of support for you and your student!
Panther Dollars
Panther Dollars will most commonly be used to pay for printing services and meals at the University. Panther Dollars are accepted at all printers and copiers owned by DU. Residential Students will also use their Panther Dollars to pay for laundry at the W.A Lettinga campus. Note - There is a $10 minimum when purchasing Panther Dollars.
Dining Dollars
An amount of money is given to you along with the purchase of any meal plan. Once your Dining Dollars account is empty, you must add money to your Panther Dollars account to purchase additional items at Davenport University food facilities. Leftover Dining Dollars are non-refundable and expire at the end of the semester.
Meal Plans
Davenport offers a variety of meal plans for you to choose from. Plans include the Unlimited and 14 per week. Leftover meals in the plan do not roll over if unused at the end of the week.
Supplemental Meal Block
This meal block can be purchased by anyone to gain access to the Dining Hall and comes in 50 meal increments. This meal plan does not roll over at the end of the semester and once you are out you will need to purchase additional supplemental meal blocks.
Community Lunch Blocks
These discounted meal blocks are for use during lunch only (11:30 am to 2:00 pm) in the dining hall and are available to all students, staff & faculty at Davenport. These meals do not go away as long as you are employed or enrolled at Davenport University.
Traditions & Events at Davenport
There are many ways for you and your student to enjoy being part of DU! Check out the many options for traditions and events happening around campus.
Annual Events open to families of students:
Family Weekend
Sibs and Kids Weekend
Excellence in Business Dinner Gala
Interested in seeing one of the Panther teams compete?
Check out the full schedule at http://dupanthers.com/
Also, many more events are hosted through the year by DU departments:
Center for Campus Life Events
Alumni & Advancement Events
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Events
Who to contact
Advising: Your advisor is your main point of contact and is ready to help you with any questions or concerns. Call 866.383.3548 or contact your advisor directly via email or phone.
Computer problems: For questions about your computer and accessing classes online, contact the ITS Customer Support Center at csc@davenport.edu or call 616.732.1200.
Bursar's Office: Visit https://my.davenport.edu/office-of-accounting-services for questions about billing, discounts, tuition, refunds, payments and more.
Financial aid: We are here to answer and support your financial aid needs. Please email any questions or concerns to financialaid@davenport.edu.
Library: Visit https://my.davenport.edu/library for library resources.
Tutoring: Online tutoring is available online at my.davenport.edu/tutoring-services.
Campus Life: If you think you are sick or have symptoms, please consult your medical provider. Please also reach out to Campus Life at campus.life@davenport.edu.
Bookstore: Visit the online bookstore to purchase your textbooks or the spirit store to purchase merchandise and apparel.
Counseling: Take care of your mental health as well as your physical health and make sure to utilize the services we provide as a benefit to our students. Visit https://www.davenport.edu/campus-life/counseling for more information.
Student Access: If you are a student with a disability and having difficulty with academics, please reach out to your student access coordinator at my.davenport.edu/campus-life/student-access.
Housing: On-campus housing is available for Fall 2024 and the application can be found at https://davenport.erezlife.com/.
Davenport University First-Destination Survey for 2023-24 Graduates (see website for more information on Career Outcomes)