Davenport offers in-person classes or new Online+ digital learning experience
The length of delivery time may vary, so do make sure you know whether you are teaching a 4, 7, 10, or 15-week course, so you can prepare for a successful experience. However, regardless of what course you teach at Davenport, you can expect to teach it in a format that fits into one of these four categories. While some instructors feel most comfortable teaching in one particular category, we encourage all of our instructors to expand their knowledge and teach across formats.
In-person classes
This format is often referred to as "Traditional." An in-seat course is delivered face-to-face, in real-time, with you and your students together in a classroom or computer lab. Courses may meet once, twice, or three times per week; course credit hours and contact hours will determine the length of your meeting times.
Online+ digital experience
Online+ consists of four format options: on-demand, livestream, flex, and blended. All Online+ courses utilize Blackboard and/or Blackboard Collaborate for instructions, assignments, assessments, and more.
At Davenport, on-demand courses, also known as online or asynchronous courses, are available anytime, from anywhere. There are occasional situations where you may have specified, limited, face-to-face meetings with your students, but, most often, this format means that you will not meet.
Livestream courses enable you to stream and participate in class wherever life takes you. Livestream, formerly known as Real-Time Virtual learning classes, are held at scheduled times, rely on synchronous online technology, and feature the use of Blackboard Collaborate for their delivery.
Offered in our seven-week courses, offers a combination of in-person learning and on-demand coursework. While you will meet face-to-face with students in a classroom or computer lab, you will only spend 60% of the class time there; the remaining 40% of course time and work will be completed in an asynchronous online environment.
Select from in-person, on-demand, or livestream formats for each week's classes. Students have the flexibility to alter their selection as often as they would like. Join how you can, where you can - and when you can. Sit in class on campus to learn for one week, and sit on your couch to learn - the choice is yours!
To review more format options please see the full course formats page here.