Career Outcomes

96% of Davenport graduates report a positive career outcome within six months.

The “career outcome rate,” as defined by the industry-standard NACE First-Destination Survey, measures how successful recent university graduates are in finding a meaningful next step after graduation.

It includes graduates who are:

Employed (full-time or part-time)
Continuing their education (such as grad school) 
Serving in the military 
Doing volunteer or service work (such as the Peace Corps)
X  And NOT still seeking employment

The rate is calculated by dividing the number of graduates in these categories by the total number of graduates who provided information about their status. It does not include those who are still seeking a job or seeking further education. 

Essentially, it measures how effectively students transition into careers or continue their education after earning their degree. 

According to the Davenport University First-Destination Survey for 2023-24 Graduates, 96% of Davenport graduates reported a positive career outcome within six months, and only 4.4% of graduates are still seeking employment or seeking continuing education six months after graduation.  

Career Outcomes Pie Chart


Within Davenport's 95.6% career outcome rate, 84.4% are working, 11.1% are continuing their education, and 0.1% are volunteering. The remaining 4.4% are seeking employment or education. 

1,255 graduates | 929 responses | 74% response rate