An employee’s relationship with their manager is the single most important factor in employee engagement
This course is Going PRO eligible. Results in 3 credits towards a degree at Davenport University.
Certificate of Management – Davenport University Management Training
Learn to build collaboration, promote trust, and empower your employees to achieve results. Davenport University’s management certificate develops the core skills necessary to increase the productivity and performance of your teams. Improve skills in communication, motivating employees, problem solving, and conflict management to create high impact teams. The management certificate includes a DISC assessment, live instruction with breakout discussions, and resources to support learning throughout the program. This program provides the dual benefit of leadership development and college credit. This course is eligible for 3 undergraduate credits (BUSN385-Management) toward a bachelor's degree at Davenport.
The 6 Management Topics Include:
Defining the Leader in You (+DISC)
We all possess different management strengths and attributes. In this management training, participantslearn to utilize the DISC behavioral model to identify DISC styles in others and themselves. And how to tap
into different strengths based on the interaction.
Communicating Without Confusion
Good managers are also good communicators. Learn to turn strategy into action by connecting with yourteams. In this management training, you will learn to use active listening, persuasion, and negotiation to
improve communication.
Impacting Motivation
Effective leaders improve team performance and confidence by understanding individuals’ motivation toperform. Learn how to assess the situation to determine what kind of leadership will motivate your
Problem Solving for Business
As a manager, it is common to be stuck in a situation without a clear solution. Learn to identify theunderlying issues of the problem - not the symptoms - to identify and resolve issues.
Embracing Conflict
Conflicts can tear teams apart and managers need to work to help resolve differences quickly and promotecooperation. Learn to identify types of conflict and identify a resolution to increase trust and credibility on
your team.
Creating High Impact Teams
Leaders in high-performance teams know how to create energy and enthusiasm. Team members feelinspired. In this management training, you will learn to recognize and utilize key elements that move teams
from involvement to empowerment.
Who Should Attend?
Davenport University’s management certificate is for any professional looking to improve leadership and management skills, including but not limited to:
- Managers, supervisors, and team leaders who need to learn to lead in today's complex environment or those who might be facing new challenges
- Experienced managers taking on new leadership responsibilities
- Professionals recently promoted into a management position
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Build an understanding of different management styles to be successful in a leadership role
- Use assertive communication, minimize passive and aggressive communication, and use active listening to ensure that goals clearly communicated
- Identify the preferred communication style of others, and adapt your style accordingly
- Recognize behavioral styles and appropriate motivators associated with each style and distinguish between hygiene and motivation factors and use each appropriately
- Determine the business requirements necessary for solving problems and make decisions based on data
- Identify both healthy and unhealthy conflict and use techniques and tools to initiate and hold difficult conversations to manage conflict
- Recognize how others can best contribute to a team and draw those attributes out of team members to build an effective team culture
- Use the foundational coaching model, GROW, to help team members solve their own problems and enhance team dynamics
CEUs Awarded: 3.6
PDCs Awarded: 36