
The following contains general advice.

  • Address the audience as you
  • Write in the first person; use I or we
  • Refer to an outside company as a singular entity; use it not they
  • Answer the question, “Now what?” – always provide a next step

Avoid heavy, overwhelming paragraphs. Break them into short chunks that are easy to scan and provide frequent breaks with concise headings and subheadings that summarize content. Quick takeaways and short bullet points can help readers scan too.

Starting a sentence with a coordinating conjunction, such as And or But, is okay in moderation.
Unless writing a formal document, we prefer to take a more conversational, less formal tone; feel free to use contractions such as it’s, you’re, they’re and she’s.


In general, use a friendly and conversational tone.

  • Accessible, plainspoken and optimistic
  • Helpful and knowledgeable, not salesy or pushy
  • Expert, but not know-it-all; free of jargon

Unless writing a formal document, we prefer to take a more conversational, less formal tone; feel free to use contractions such as it’s, you’re, they’re and she’s.